Scott Turner (Department of Computing and Immersive Technologies), Naomi Holmes (Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences) and Adel Gordon (Learning Technology Team) have been working on a small project with the aim of 'investigating the potential use and the student experiences of using virtual reality (Oculus Rift) devices for fieldwork'. The project, which was funded by the University of Northampton Innovation Fund, involved a group of students from the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences testing the Oculus Rifts. Once they had finished using the Oculus Rift the students completed a questionnaire about their experience of using the Oculus Rift, whether they thought the technology was useful for field trips, and how else they think it might be used to support their learning. The students all saw the Virtual Reality as beneficial only if used alongside or in addition to actual field trip experiences. Nausea/motion sickness was a common problem of using the devices.
The project was disseminated at the University of Northampton Innovation Fund Event in June 2014.