
This blog is written by the Environmental and Geographical Sciences team at the University of Northampton. This will keep you up to date with both student and staff activities.

The Environmental and Geographical Sciences team includes staff with interests in biological sciences, conservation, ecology, environmental sciences, environmental statistics, geography and waste management. We offer a range of degree programmes and have a number of postgraduate research students. For more information about studying with us please visit http://www.northampton.ac.uk/.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Second year physical geography trip to Sywell reservoir, Northamptonshire

On Tuesday 3rd March the annual Physical Geography Practical (module ENV2123) field day to Sywell took place.  The purpose of the field day is to develop skills in surveying and sediment coring. The students managed to collect lots of useful data during the day and will be using this in the associated assignment.  The next field day in this module is to Eydon Brook later in the month.

 Surveying the valley

 Sediment coring